I Am Grateful For…

A great family friend Heather Smith nominated me for this grateful challenge so here goes it.

  1. My brain: Even if I could start it all over I would prefer to be gifted with the same mind I have today. All the mysterious ways it works and fails are why I am me and that’s that.
  2. Music: Some of the best times in my life revolve around it.
  3. Romania: For proving to me that life is really not that easy and that we should all make the most of what we have and constantly seek out our  purpose. For jumping out my comfort zone, mostly.
  4. Family & friends: I look up to you and have a connection with you unlike anything I can describe. I guess that’s called love and friendship?
  5. My girlfriend: She falls into the Romania category 🙂
  6. Nature: The only space in this world where absolute freedom exists to the extent that you don’t have a damn worry about a thing. Long walks on the beach are included.
  7. Animals: We are all in this together.
  8. Education: Of all I have learned in this life, the greatest gift is to pass on what I know.

This is an ongoing post and I look forward to see it grow, as I do.







Jordan Youtz